Wednesday, March 2

The Eagle has landed!

250° 06' NET

And it was about time! What am I talking about?


Bohemia Interactive....drooooooolllllll.....

And what's inside of this long long waited precious package?
Beer? Sunblock? Koala Bear? Kangaroo?

No, all wrong. It is - of course - this:

VBS1 - Oh joy!

I was talking about it earlier and I made the order 3rd of February. It took a full month to come, which was pretty long time to wait for something you drool for.

But that's all behind me now since I can start installing.

Two CD's, one for VBS and other for the addons I ordered at the same time. In the future it is going to be a lot easier to order addons since I can also dowload those online. When you pay they provide you with a special link which is active for a while so you can download and be playing in a flash. Cool.

Vector at Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Comments 2

Tuesday, March 1

World Record Winter!

262° 50' NET

What can I say, I guess we really have a long long winter in Finland or at least snow which is resistant to heat.

Vector at Tuesday, March 01, 2005

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