Wednesday, March 15
Dear Mr. Spammer
Today I was approached by lornemb ( with the following announcementWith 0ur Advanced Gain Pro Penis Enlargement Pills your dick will bigger than Eiffel Tower.
Advanced Gain Pro Penis Enlargement Pills ingredients are widely
known in herbal medicine to have been used successfully to treat various ailments,
from impotency to low testosterone and erectile difficulties.
Dear lornemb, my grandmom used to have a miniature Eiffel Tower at her desk. It was 2 inches tall.
I don't need your pills.
I am also convinced that these pills indeed have ingredients in them which are widely known in herbal medicine to have been used successfully to treat various ailments, from impotency to low testosterone and erectile difficulties since your subject field reads
Subject: All that she needs is a large penis. Give it to her with Advanced Gain Pro Penis Enlargement Pills.Boy, that's some heavy shit you have in those pills, dude!
Vector at Wednesday, March 15, 2006