Saturday, October 30

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Error

328° 27' NET

Ah, I am so proud of this :)

Vector at Saturday, October 30, 2004

Comments 2


31 October, 2004 15:32 Blogger Vector said...

I am a fan. I think George Lucas is one of the great storytellers of our time. Not only as a director, but also and maybe more because of the Star Wars universe. I like people with lots of Imagination Power!

01 November, 2004 17:31 Blogger Vector said...

Yeah, I don't have toys either. I did get the special DVD release of SW with episodes IV, V, VI and I am looking forward to the next movie. When the DVD pack with the new episodes comes out, I'll probably get that too. And all the games for PC since they give more detail to the SW universe and bits and pieces of information which doesn't come up in the movies.

I like science-fiction. Star Trek is nice too and Stargate/Atlantis of course, but if I had to pick a favorite I would choose Star Wars.

May the Force be with you!


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