Thursday, October 14

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The Finnish football team thanks the Dutch team for being such a great host for the World Cup game yesterday.
I am sure this warm gesture can only make the relationship between these two countries stronger.
So, once more: Thank you from the bottom of my foot...

Who said I can't handle failure???

Vector at Thursday, October 14, 2004

Comments 2


15 October, 2004 19:18 Blogger Vector said...

Hey, you are back! So, how was Europe? :)

17 October, 2004 13:01 Blogger Vector said...

Nice to hear things were good :)

I'd like to hear those stories too. Some people can't make a difference between the country and its leaders. Or don't want to.

Never been on a Oktoberfest myself, but what I have seen is a lot of busty deutsche gals with strong arms running around with huge pitchers full of beer. Oh, and sausages to eat :)

PS. If I am around having a Heiny is cool too...or Hertog Jan or Guinness or maybe something Belgian :)


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