Monday, May 30

And that's how the cookie crumbles

It's late Sunday evening, half past twelve, and I'm going to bed. The Official Stargate SG-1 convention in London is over and even though I missed 1/3 of it, it was fun.
I was going to check out the collective fanbase over here and I did. I have to say it's a little different than the mostly american fanbase I saw in Vancouver. It's a little more quiet and also a bit younger. There was also more people from other European countries. But I guess that's understandable.
Don S. Davies was not here, but I knew that already before I was coming. That was one thing which sucked. One thing which was better than in Vancouver, was the Sunday morning breakfast. The idea was to have mr. Shanks and mr. Judge come to the room, have their photo's taken and then they would mingle. Well, it actually went like that. Only of course they were late, and I could swear I saw two pairs of watery, booze marineded eyes staring from the depths of those pale faces...though with mr. Judge it's difficult to say. The explanation was that the city of London hit them. Makes me want to keep good relations with the City.
Anyway, I'll blog some more once I'm back home.
Now I'm going to sleep.

Vector at Monday, May 30, 2005

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